Your personal style and enthusiasm for the business is contagious to whomever you speak

Your personal style and enthusiasm for the business is contagious to whomever you speak


Thank you again for the outstanding job you and your team did on selling our Rose Court home. As a sales professional myself, I had some trepidation about your team’s ability to best represent our property and frankly, the amount of commission they would be earning for their efforts.

I am happy to tell you that your group has exceeded our expectations and the commission earned is well deserved! You team was always punctual; reliable; professional and courteous. The quality of the brochure and ads your team put together was first-rate. Not once did you or your team hesitate to answer any questions or try out a new strategy we proposed.

On a personal level, I had the opportunity to watch you in action and couldn’t have been more impressed with your skills. You engage the prospect, put them at ease, and create a communicative environment with them. Your personal style and enthusiasm for the business are contagious to whomever you speak.

Finally, as you know, I can be a rigid negotiator. You masterfully managed me, the buyer, and the other agent to a successful conclusion…well done. The end result was 97% of our asking price and a new high in our neighbourhood!

I won’t hesitate to recommend The Regan Team to other prospective buyers/sellers. Please feel comfortable having any potential sellers contact me directly to ask any questions about the process and experience we had with your team.

– Earl Robertson