Getting Your Home Summer Ready: Tips for the Canadian Real Estate Homes

Getting Your Home Summer Ready: Tips for the Canadian Real Estate Homes

The warm weather is finally upon us in Canada, signalling that summer is just around the corner! After enduring the long, cold winter months, it is widely important to give your home the attention it deserves to prepare for the upcoming season. Embrace the warmth, sunshine, and joy that this time of year brings by transforming your home into a summer oasis.

Here are some essential tips and tricks to help you get your Canadian home ready for summer.


Why is summer cleaning essential?

Refreshes the Home

Summer cleaning revitalizes your living space by removing accumulated dirt and clutter. According to a recent survey, a significant majority of Canadians, totalling 54%, find enjoyment in preparing their homes for the new season. A clean environment can significantly improve your mood and overall well-being, making you feel more comfortable and relaxed during the warmer months.


Eliminates Allergens

Maintaining a clean home is crucial for health, especially during allergy season. Summer cleaning removes allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, which can trigger respiratory issues. Additionally, it helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in humid conditions, ensuring a safer environment for your family.

Health Canada reports that reducing indoor allergens can significantly decrease allergy symptoms, enhancing overall indoor air quality.


Improves Mobility

A decluttered and organized home provides a welcoming space for entertaining guests, hosting barbecues, and enjoying outdoor activities. By tidying up, you create more room for guests and make your home a more enjoyable place to spend time during the summer season. According to a recent statistic, 41% of Canadians state that the kitchen is their favourite room to clean, followed by 27% for the living room.


Reduces Energy Consumption

A well-maintained living space can enhance energy efficiency. Removing dust from air vents and ensuring proper insulation helps your air conditioning system work more efficiently, reducing energy consumption. According to a recent data, energy efficiency in homes has improved by an impressive 51%, resulting in savings of $15.0 billion in energy costs for Canadians. This significant improvement not only benefits homeowners financially but also contribute to environmental conservation by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Essential Cleaning Tips and Tricks


Decluttering and Organizing

Start by decluttering your home, systematically going through each room to identify and remove items you no longer need. Organize the remaining belongings using storage solutions like bins and shelving units to create a serene and spacious living space.


Changing Your Air Filter

Regularly replace your HVAC filters to maintain clean air circulation and improve indoor air quality. Check filters monthly and use high-quality options with an appropriate MERV rating. This simple maintenance task not only enhances air quality but also helps your air conditioning system run efficiently.


Investing in Fans

Strategically place fans near doors, windows, and screens to enhance airflow and keep your home cool during summer. Choose fans with adjustable speed settings and oscillating features for customizable comfort. By investing in fans, you can create a more comfortable indoor environment and reduce reliance on air conditioning, ultimately lowering energy consumption.


Focusing on Air Quality

Incorporate natural air fresheners like potted plants or essential oil diffusers to purify the air and add pleasant scents. Plants such as peace lilies and spider plants are known for their air purifying properties, while essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus can create a calming ambiance.


Prepare Your Outdoor Spaces

As you transition your home for the summer season, do not forget to give your outdoor spaces some attention. Here is how to get your outdoor ready for relaxation and enjoyment.


Arrange Patio Furniture

Start by giving your outdoor furniture a thorough cleaning. Remove any dust, dirt, and debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. Once cleaned, arrange your furniture to create a cozy and inviting space for lounging, dining, and entertaining outdoors.


Add Shade Options

Adding umbrellas, awnings to provide relief from the sun’s intense rays. Shade options not only offer protection from UV exposure but also create comfortable areas for outdoor relaxation and dining. Consider positioning shade structures strategically to maximize coverage and create inviting outdoor retreats.




  • Plant Summer Flowers and Vegetables

Take advantage of the growing season by planting colourful flowers and productive vegetable plants. Choose varieties that thrive in your local climate and soil conditions to ensure a vibrant and fruitful garden throughout the summer.

  • Mulch Garden Beds

Apply mulch to your garden beds to help retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth. Mulching not only keeps your garden looking neat and healthy but also reduces the need for frequent watering, making your gardening efforts more sustainable.


  • Check Irrigation Systems

Ensure your sprinklers or drip irrigation systems are functioning properly to keep your lawn and garden well-watered. Regularly check for leaks or blockages and adjust the settings to provide adequate hydration without over-watering.


Create an Outdoor Kitchen Space

Check for any necessary repairs or replacements to keep your grill in top working condition. Equip this space with all the essentials, including a preparation table, storage for utensils and a comfortable seating area for guests.

Also, make sure you have all the necessary ingredients for grilling and entertaining. Stock up on essentials like charcoal, grilling tools, marinades to be ready for summer with spontaneous barbecues and gatherings.


Safety Checks

Regularly check that your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working correctly and replace batteries if needed. These safety devices are crucial for protecting your home and family, particularly during the busy summer months when activities may increase the risk of accidents.


Prepare for Storms

Summer storms can be unpredictable, so it is important to prepare in advance. Secure outdoor furniture to prevent it from being damaged or causing injury during high winds.

Check that windows and doors seal properly to keep out rain and drafts. Additionally, assemble an emergency kit with essentials such as water, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit to be ready for any unexpected power outages or emergencies.

By following these tips and tricks, you can certainly ensure that your Canadian home is fully prepared for the summer season. From cleaning and organizing to outdoor maintenance and safety checks, getting your home summer ready can help you make the most of the warmer months ahead. Here is to a delightful and enjoyable summer season in your beautifully prepped Canadian home!

Happy summer!